Sbobet is a large bookmaker with an impressive presence in Asia and around the world. Its competitive odds, live streaming of sporting events and high stake limits have earned it a place among the top bookmakers in the industry. It also offers excellent customer support and fast payouts.
The term ‘dead heat’ in sports betting refers to a sporting event that ends with both competitors finishing in exactly the same position. This occurs when all bets are settled at odds of 1.00, irrespective of the actual result of the event.
SBOBET allows players to deposit and withdraw in their preferred currency. These include the Australian Dollar, British Pound, Canadian Dollar, Euro, Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen, Norwegian Krone, Swedish Krona and South African Rand. Some of these payment methods are only available in select currencies, while others are accepted globally.
Toto Draw is a lottery style numbers and colours game offered in SBOBET Games. A player can win up to 100 times their total bet. Toto Draw bets are not available on mobile devices, but can be placed online.
SBOBET’s auto refresh odds feature updates the odds on your bet ticket every 10 seconds, regardless of whether you are placing a new bet or checking the current status of an existing one. This feature is particularly useful if you want to be sure that your bets are updated in real time. The website also features a list of all your active, waiting and rejected bets.