Whether it’s slots, blackjack or poker, online gambling offers the chance to enjoy all the thrills of traditional casino games without having to leave the comfort of your own home. The convenience, de-stressing and mood-boosting benefits are real but gambling also has a darker side and it’s important to know what to look out for.
A key part of online gambling is ensuring that the money you gamble with is your own. This means that you must only ever gamble with funds that you can afford to lose – never use borrowed or lent money. You can also choose to set a deposit limit on your account so you won’t be tempted to spend more than you can afford.
Gambling is a highly addictive activity and can have devastating consequences for those who become hooked. These can include financial problems, loss of employment or educational achievement, deterioration in relationships and health issues. People who are addicted to gambling often develop a tolerance, meaning they need to take more and more risks to get the same rush of dopamine. This can cause significant debt and problems with money management.
It’s important to be aware of the dangers of gambling, especially in this time of Coronavirus pandemic. However, if you’re thinking of giving it a go, do it responsibly by taking regular breaks and only gambling what you can afford to lose. You can also find support groups and therapy, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which can be effective in breaking harmful patterns of thought and behaviour.